Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI) is a podcasting team based out of Ardagh in West Limerick.
Email: comeandseeinspirations@gmail.com
SMS Text : +353 874668950
Originally starting out in 2010 until 2021 our work was based around our flagship weekly radio programme SacredSpace102fm (SS102fm); now the C&SI team aims to work on various podcasts which contribute to the New Evangelisation and spread hope and faith online and on air. This page hosts C&SI's podcasts including our weekly podcast as well as other recordings and inspirational talks which we would like to share with you our listeners.
For our historic information and programme content you can also visit our old blog (2010 to 2019) at https://sacredspace102.blogspot.com/ (Please note that the blog is no longer being updated).
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
Exploring Lectio Divina with Fr Frank Duhig (Programme excerpt) - 9th December 2018
Lectio Divina", a Latin term, means "sacred reading" and describes a way of reading the Scriptures whereby we gradually let go of our own agenda and open ourselves to what God wants to say to us.
Regular listeners to the programme will know that most of the presenters and panelists that participate in the show participate in lectio divina and many are members of the group of people who gather each Monday night in the Parish Centre in Newcastle West Co Limerick from 8.15pm to 9.15pm to participate in "lectio divina" where together we break open the Word and explore its meaning for our daily lives in this hectic and fast paced world of ours.
Fr Frank Duhig shares with is his thoughts on the practise of lectio divina and explains how the group lectio works each week in Newcastle West.
Text us at +353 874668950 or email at comeandseeinspirtaions@gmail.com