Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

Margie Kennedy: From Nurse to Lay Minister (Programme Excerpt) - SS102fm - October 28th 2018

Come & See Inspirations team Season 8 Episode 49
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00:00 | 32:00

After over 20 years nursing Margie Kennedy changed track completely. After taking early retirement she entered 3rd level to complete a four year degree course in Theology and Philosophy and studied for a further year to gain a Masters degree in Applied Theology. Margie is now working part-time with the Redemptorists helping with parish missions and also works two days a week as a Catechist working closely with an inner city school in Dublin.

Margie's story encourages us to look back on our own lives and see how God was working and leading us. Perhaps we could ask ourselves the question of when our faith in Jesus Christ was ignited? When were our hearts set on fire for love of God? Margie highlights the importance of witness in living the faith, telling people about the love of God. Our mission as members of a family of faith is sharing that faith with others. Faith is passed on from our hearts, not from our heads. As Blessed John Newman said: "Heart speaks to heart."

How do we cultivate belief? We practice, practice, practice! We celebrate our faith through Mass and the sacraments, through reading Scripture, prayer and devotions, by taking responsibility for our own education in the faith. As Margie says, "Faith in Jesus Christ compels us to make choices. We are either for Him or against Him." Margie encourages us to never give up hope - keep witnessing to God as we are meant to and He will work on people's hearts. 

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