Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

SacredSpace102fm - A Holy Week Reflection with Fr Noel Kirwin (S02E19) - 1 April 2012

Come & See Inspirations team Season 2 Episode 19

We are joined by Fr Noel Kirwin this week from Limerick Diocesan Pastoral Centre who gives us a reflection on Holy Week focusing on the Passion Gospel. 

Holy Week is a story of the death of Jesus but it begins with a story of joy with the entry into Jerusalem with Jesus entering as a King on the back of a donkey, over turning the misconception of what the Messiah will be. The Jerusalem which welcomes him in joy is also the city which kills the prophets. It is the beginning of a season of joy as it brings us to the celebration of Resurrection which brings us into touch with our own lives.

We bring ourselves to mingle with the stories of the past then we find we are being changed by going through and being part of these liturgies which re-enact the great drama between good and evil, such a drama which goes on in every life, but Jesus reminds us to like him to trust in the Father to bring us through. We are reminded that Jesus stands in solidarity with us in our suffering because he has been there too, he is in solidarity with us even when it seems at its bleakest.