Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

Dean Niall Sloane discusses the 850th anniversary of St Mary's Cathedral Limerick - 18th March 2018 - SacredSpace102fm

Come & See Inspirations team Season 8 Episode 17
Dean Niall Sloane from St Mary's Cathedral joins us on this weeks programme to talk to us about this year’s festivities which are celebrating and promoting the Cathedral’s roles in city life including – community, civic, cultural, educational, ecumenical, musical, sporting and tourism to mark its 850th anniversary. Highlights of the year include a visit from the Choir of King’s College, Cambridge and a special service of thanksgiving. Each month the Cathedral will highlight a figure associated with Saint Mary’s and there will also be a tangible dimension to the celebrations as each month will focus on a charity or cause based in or around Limerick.Speaking at the start of the year, the Dean, the Very Rev’d Niall J. Sloane said ‘Saint Mary’s holds a very special place in the city of Limerick and its citizens. It has been a royal palace – no doubt, a place of story-telling, feasting and celebrations. Over the succeeding centuries it has witnessed unique events, welcomed countless people through its doors and marked key moments in the lives of Limerick people. Today, as it continues to be a place of pilgrimage and prayer, it has a unique role to play within all aspects of city and diocesan life. The central theme of our celebrations in 2018 will be opening our doors to all and forging links with Limerick and beyond so that we may echo the Christian message of faith, love and witness."

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