Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

Reflecting on St Patrick - 11th March 2018 - SacredSpace102fm

Come & See Inspirations team Season 8 Episode 16
On this weeks programme Michael Keating joins the SSs102fm team to reflect on the upcoming celebration of St Patrick's Day when all the world decides it is is Irish for a day and asks who was the real St Patrick? Like so many Christian feasts and festivals, St Patrick’s Day has been somewhat hijacked - St Patrick has about as much to do with a pint of Guinness as St Valentine has to do with a box of chocolates and a romantic meal for two. But what does this saint, so strong in missionary zeal and about whom we know very little, have to do with our modern day celebrations? We have our regular reflection on this Sunday's gospel from St John as well as liturgical odds & ends and some notices.

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