Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

Salesian Sisters celebrate 100 years in Ireland - Betty Baker & Sarah O'Rourke - 8th December 2019 (Programme excerpt) (S10E2b)

Come & See Inspirations team Season 10 Episode 2

Betty Baker and Sarah O'Rourke join the SS102fm team this weekend to discuss the forthcoming centenary celebrations which the Salesian Sisters are due to start celebrating on 8th December. Now before anyone gets confused, yes a few weeks ago we had Fr Dan O'Carroll on talking about the Salesian Father's centenary of arrival in Ireland but 2020 will be the Salesian Sisters turn!

Events kick off in Milford on December 8th at 3pm and the sisters have a pretty packed calendar of events planned between now and November 2020 which Betty takes us through in the programme. But that is after Sarah takes us down memory lane outlining the tumultuous arrival of 3 Italian sisters and 1 English sister into Limerick in the middle of the War of Independence and the start of the Civil War and the challenges from church and State for them to get into the heart of their ministry of education for girls and young women with the Department of Education holding out until 1947 before granting them recognition!

For listeners looking for the series of forthcoming events to mark the centenary of the sisters in Ireland you can get further information at or at the FB page - Salesian Sisters 100 Years in Ireland