Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

C&SI - Our Journey through Lent with Fr Frank Duhig - 9 Mar 2025 (S05E15)

Come & See Inspirations team Season 5 Episode 15

On this first Sunday of Lent we are joined by  Fr Frank Duhig to reflect on our Lenten journey and looking at how the season provides an opportunity for spiritual renewal. 

In part one we have our regular prayer space and also a brief run through the upcoming liturgical odds and ends while recognising that Lent takes liturgical precedence. 

Our Journey  in Lent

In part two of this weeks podcast we are joined by Fr Frank Duhig who reflects on our journey in Lent and then leads us into our reflection on the Sunday gospel which is Luke's account of the temptation in the wilderness (Lk 4:1-13). 

He begins by comparing our preparation for Christmas and Lent. Many people like the preparation for Christmas when we are almost encouraged to pamper ourselves, whereas not many people look forward to Lent which is about taking a more restrained approach to life. Fr Frank makes the point that Lent is not a 'spoiling-of-the-fun' season, its a meant to be a time of renewal in our lives. The idea is that we die with Christ, like the seed in the ground, and rise to abundant life. We die to sin and rise to integrity, we die to selfishness and rise to generosity.   The reason why we put ashes on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday is as a sign of that death to the selfish self we are prepared to undergo and a reminder to ourselves as we set out on our Lenten journey.

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