Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI) is a podcasting team based out of Ardagh in West Limerick.
Email: comeandseeinspirations@gmail.com
SMS Text : +353 874668950
Originally starting out in 2010 until 2021 our work was based around our flagship weekly radio programme SacredSpace102fm (SS102fm); now the C&SI team aims to work on various podcasts which contribute to the New Evangelisation and spread hope and faith online and on air. This page hosts C&SI's podcasts including our weekly podcast as well as other recordings and inspirational talks which we would like to share with you our listeners.
For our historic information and programme content you can also visit our old blog (2010 to 2019) at https://sacredspace102.blogspot.com/ (Please note that the blog is no longer being updated).
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
SacredSpace102fm - Reacquainting ourselves with Lough Derg - 2 July 2017 (S7E32)
John interviews Sharon Harty about Lough Derg this morning. They explore the history of pilgrimage to this sacred isle which has with stood the ravages of the centuries and persecution.
Sharon shares about the experience of pilgrimage at Lough Derg and what it can mean to link in with the history of the spirituality of the pilgrimage and the opportunity for people to take a moment out of the busy lives that we live
Lough Derg offers families a unique connection with their ancestral family whose spiritual footsteps down the generations awaits them in this sacred Island. The Lough Derg Pilgrimage season connects us with the flame of faith, hope and love lit in Ireland by St Patrick in the fifth century and continues to give light to families today.
Fr Owen McEneaney, Prior of Lough Derg extends a personal invitation to one and all to come and walk in the spiritual footsteps of your family – parents, grandparents, relations – walk the same ground where they walked and prayed, reconnect with their prayer for their family and future family. Today you are that family; come and be touched by God’s grace in the sanctuary of St Patrick. A sacred place where we look to God – Father, Son and Spirit – that communion of love to guide us on our faith-filled journey.
From the time of St Patrick right up to today, experiencing this communion of love at the heart of God has a particular resonance for pilgrims to Lough Derg, leaving the Island as they often do with a deep, deep sense of God’s presence, closeness and love. It is as if they have been taken into the communion of love that is Father, Son and Spirit.
If you have thought about coming to Lough Derg but never managed to get here or if you have been here in the past and thought you will come back some day – let that some-day be this year.
Text us at +353 874668950 or email at comeandseeinspirtaions@gmail.com