Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI) is a podcasting team based out of Ardagh in West Limerick.
Email: comeandseeinspirations@gmail.com
SMS Text : +353 874668950
Originally starting out in 2010 until 2021 our work was based around our flagship weekly radio programme SacredSpace102fm (SS102fm); now the C&SI team aims to work on various podcasts which contribute to the New Evangelisation and spread hope and faith online and on air. This page hosts C&SI's podcasts including our weekly podcast as well as other recordings and inspirational talks which we would like to share with you our listeners.
For our historic information and programme content you can also visit our old blog (2010 to 2019) at https://sacredspace102.blogspot.com/ (Please note that the blog is no longer being updated).
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
C&SI: Bishop Leahy on the Synod on Synodality during Oct 2023 - 26 Nov 2023 (S03E53b) (podcast excerpt)
On this weeks podcast we are joined by Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick to discuss the Synod on Synodality which was held in Rome during the month of October 2023 - the first phase of the meetings on the issue, the second phase is to be held in October 2024.
Bishop Brendan attended the Synod as one of the representatives of the Irish bishops and he takes us through his reflections and observations of the various events including the pre-synod retreat for the participants and then onto the sessions of the Synod themselves. We discuss how the synod participants worked through the "conversations in the Spirit" methodology and ultimately the various topics and issues which came up in the final synthesis document.
The final synthesis document is divided into three sections:
- The Face of the Synodal Church
- All Disciples, All Missionaries
- Weaving bonds, Building Communities
Each subsection is divided into the areas of convergence, areas or matters for future considerations, and agreed proposals. Every one is encourage to take up the document and work through it.
Resources available:
- Synod.ie website
- Final Universal Synod’s Synthesis Report
- Vatican News summary article by Salvatore Cernuzio - Synod Report: A Church that involves everyone and is close to world’s wounds
- Vatican News general reportage under hash tag #Synod2023 including the inputs at the retreat before hand and the daily briefings.
- Ecumenical Prayer Vigil at beginning of Synod
- iCatholic have a lot of video coverage during and since the Synod including interviews with the Irish Bishop delegates
- Learnings from the Synod on Synodality in Rome - Bishops Alan McGuckian and Bishop Brendan Leahy share their reflections after attending the first session of the Synod on Synodality in Rome (4th - 29th Oct 2023)
Text us at +353 874668950 or email at comeandseeinspirtaions@gmail.com