Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

C&SI - Upcoming events with the FCJ House of Spirituality Spanish Point - 17 September 2023 (S03E43b) (podcast excerpt)

Come & See Inspirations team Season 3 Episode 43

For many people September is like New Years 2.0 with the return to routines with back to school, back to work etc after the breaks over the summer. As part of that people like to plan ahead for time out and also how to prepare for the dark of the winter especially in the northern hemisphere. On this weeks podcast we have two possible suggestions for listeners.

We are delighted to welcome back to the podcast Noirin Lynch who is the director of the FCJ House of Spirituality in Spanish Point. Noirin reflects for us first off on the Season of Creation which is on-going at the moment until 4th Oct. And then she shares with us the residential course upcoming between now and the end of March each month.

There are a lot of upcoming events, residential, non-residential, some online and also for those living in west Clare things where you could pop in to say hello. The best way to check it out is to look at the website HERE and the events page HERE.