Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

May, the Month of Mary - 19th May 2019 (Programme Excerpt)

Come & See Inspirations team Season 9 Episode 25

This part of the programme was originally broadcast in May of 2014. Lorraine Buckley leads us through a reflection on Catholic's understanding of Mary in salvation history and in the church. Using the book 'Introduction to Mary - The Heart of Marian Doctrine and Devotion' by Mark Miravalle we looked at what is devotion to Mary and Mary in Scripture (Old Testament pre-figurements of Mary and Mary in the New Testament). 

We then looked at two key Marian doctrines: (1) Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother; and (2) the Immaculate Conception.  Both of these Marian doctrines (indeed, all Marian doctrines) are centred around Christ and what He has done for us.  

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