Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI) is a podcasting team based out of Ardagh in West Limerick.
Email: comeandseeinspirations@gmail.com
SMS Text : +353 874668950
Originally starting out in 2010 until 2021 our work was based around our flagship weekly radio programme SacredSpace102fm (SS102fm); now the C&SI team aims to work on various podcasts which contribute to the New Evangelisation and spread hope and faith online and on air. This page hosts C&SI's podcasts including our weekly podcast as well as other recordings and inspirational talks which we would like to share with you our listeners.
For our historic information and programme content you can also visit our old blog (2010 to 2019) at https://sacredspace102.blogspot.com/ (Please note that the blog is no longer being updated).
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
Fr Michael Liston reflects on who is St Patrick
Originally broadcast on 17th March 2013, a dear friend of the programme, Fr. Micheal Liston, joins John and Ann Keily to celebrate the solemnity of St. Patrick (Patron Saint of Ireland).
Fr. Micheal introduces St. Patrick as someone who suffered a lot in his youth, but in the middle of all his suffering, he became conscious of God's presence and love. Fr. Micheal encouraged us to set aside the external celebrations of St. Patrick's day to look at the model of St. Patrick as someone who had discovered the mysterious presence of God in his life. We are invited to reflect on the reality that God is here with us as He was for Patrick. God is fond of us. God has time for us.
St. Patrick is also a great model of how we should respond to God's grace in our lives. Patrick recognised his own limitations and the abundance of God's grace working in his life. Fr. Micheal invited us to confess, as Patrick did, that with all our limitations, it is God who has done this good work in our lives. Patrick gives glory to God, because the glory is God's. God has a sheer ghrá (affection/love) for us and we are called through prayer and humility to imitate Patrick by responding to God's grace and love with a spirit of self-giving and gratitude. This is the true spirit of Patrick.
Text us at +353 874668950 or email at comeandseeinspirtaions@gmail.com