Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

Interview with Rose O'Connor about Guidelines for Team Ministry & Pastoral Units in Limerick Diocese - 17th February 2019

Come & See Inspirations team Season 9 Episode 13

Rose O'Connor joins the SS102fm team to discuss the publication of the new guidelines by the diocese of Limerick. Limerick Diocese has issued Guidelines for Team Ministry and Pastoral Units . The Guidelines deal with the roles and responsibilities of:

  • Pastoral Unit
  • Moderators & co-parish priests
  • Pastoral Unit Council
  • Local Mission Group
  • Continuation of existing finance practices within the existing parishes.

It is a follow up from the revised structure initiated in the diocese from 2nd December 2018 where teams of clergy are ministering in pastoral units or collectives of parishes but existing parish identity is being maintained. The new units involve a number of parishes operating together, with two or three priests ministering together as a team to the pastoral needs of these parishes. Each of the priests is a “co-Parish Priest” and will be moving around the pastoral Unit, resulting in different priests saying masses in parishes week on week.

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