Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI) is a podcasting team based out of Ardagh in West Limerick.
Email: comeandseeinspirations@gmail.com
SMS Text : +353 874668950
Originally starting out in 2010 until 2021 our work was based around our flagship weekly radio programme SacredSpace102fm (SS102fm); now the C&SI team aims to work on various podcasts which contribute to the New Evangelisation and spread hope and faith online and on air. This page hosts C&SI's podcasts including our weekly podcast as well as other recordings and inspirational talks which we would like to share with you our listeners.
For our historic information and programme content you can also visit our old blog (2010 to 2019) at https://sacredspace102.blogspot.com/ (Please note that the blog is no longer being updated).
Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)
World Meeting of Families 2018 - 26th August 2018 - SS102fm
Given the weekend that was in it, we also had a WMoF2018 link. As part of the preparation for the World Meeting of Families 2018 and the visit of Pope Francis to Ireland, a 6-part television series has been commissioned by the World Meeting of Families to help explore the document written by Pope Francis on love in the family.
‘A Journey through Amoris Laetitia’ features a wide variety of well-known commentators, as well as families from all walks of life and from all over the world. Contributors include President of Caritas Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, speaker and author Jeff Cavins, Bishop Robert Barron, John and Clare Gabrowski (Pontifical Council for the Family) and Primate of all Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Through the six episodes, presented by Wendy Grace, we reflect on what Amoris Laetitia has to say to families as they experience the ups and downs of family life and how Pope Francis addresses key themes like imperfection, mercy and wider society while also offering an uplifting vision for the family.
Text us at +353 874668950 or email at comeandseeinspirtaions@gmail.com